I Become Karna With a Million Times Crit System In Mahabharata.

Chapter 119 118. Hypothesis

"O\'Great King, O\'Respected Queen, Please come in my humble household, But King if there was something, You should have commanded me for my presence, You don\'t have to come all the way here."

Adiratha reached the front door and bowed to greet the King and Queen who already washed their hands and feet and was about to enter the house.

This throws Adiratha off, He his loyal servant of the kingdom there is no doubt that if his King asked him to come if there is something important to talk about, He would have not missed a beat and gone to the king and done what he will be commanded.

So the King and the Queen themselves coming to him was not expected by him, He did not understand what could be so important that they have to come to him personally.

The first thought he had in his mind was that Karna did something. He knows how mischievous his son is. Last time he and his group of 4 were about to set one poor guy\'s pants on fire.

And just after that, He saw they broke out in internal fighting, Thankfully everything was verbal but still, They all out of control.

Of course his son tried denying it, Saying he was a victim in this, And it was those four innocent girls who were about to set a guy\'s pants on fire because that person scammed them for something.

After which they started fighting over who\'s team he will be on. He said he didn\'t even know what scam they were talking about.

But of course, Adiratha did not believe Karna, He saw how innocent those little girls were. Every time they meet they touch his feet and also is eager to help him with miscaliouse task.

Those 4 will never do the things Karna described, Those four are very good girls, Karna was just making up stuff to get away.

Hence why Adiratha first thought Karna did something, Now that he thinks about it Karna was gone for too long then usual, Which only solidifies his hypothesis.

Dhritarashtra and Gandhari entered in the house, Adhiratha also followed them while praying to Surya Dev that it was not about Karna, He just hope what he thought in his mind was just a wrong hypothesis.

"Long Live King and Queen, Please take a sit."

Radha was also taken aback seeing the king and queen in her house but she was quick to recover and make a place for them to sit down, Though both Dhritarashtra and Gandhari wanted them not to give them special treatment but they knew these two will not listen to them in this case.

So they let it be and took a seat with others, Vaibhava and his wife and saluted them and took their place to sit down. They were also curious about why someone like them came here.

"Adhiratha, We come here to talk about Karna and-"

"O\'Lord, Please forgive my son. He is mischievous but has no ill intent. He definitely did not want to do whatever he did, As his father I take sole responsibility for it. You can punish me on his behalf."

After everyone was settled down, Dhritarashtra decided to break the ice. He never knew it would be this hard to talk about this topic. He who did not even sweat while facing those shrewd court members was anxious.

It\'s can\'t helped though, He had to say it, So the best solution in his mind was to just directly go to the main point without beating bushes and that\'s what he did.

But he never thought he would not get a chance to speak. The moment he took Karna\'s name, Adiratha sprung out of his place and directly kneeled in front of him begging for forgiveness of his son.

Now it was their turn to be taken aback, Both of them did not understand how the simple mention of his son\'s name triggered him, For a moment they blanked out.

But in this short frame of time they were lost we\'re enough to make others panic, Radha was knew something was off, Her son did not come home yet and now there is a sudden appearance of the King and Queen.

"What happened to my son!?"

It\'s just unlike Adiratha, Rahda thought something happened to her son. In her eyes, her son can do no wrong or at least no wrong that can make the King and Queen themselves come to meet them.

So all kinds of thoughts passed through her mind. The only thing that right now keeping her sane right now is that she knows Karna can\'t get hurt, Since childhood he has not even gotten a slight cut.

He is always running here and there, rolling on dirt, climbing mountains just to jump from them, She knows all that even if he tried to keep it a secret from her, And even doing all that he never gets hurt.

Not even a slight bruise, It felt as if he is invulnerable to damage, And knowing the divine origin of Karna as he was also being the son of Ganga, Radha was sure of her own hypothesis.

That is a reason why she keeps him away from other things. She knows he can\'t get hurt because of his divine origin but what if others find out? They will definitely target her son.

So she also pretends she does not know about his stunts, Which makes him not only try better to hide it from her which ends up also hiding from others but this also makes sure he will not go too far in his stunts.I think you should take a look at

But even knowing that she felt fear of what might have happened to her son, Mothers heart is unreasonable. It did not care about logic and facts, it only cared about the well-being of her son.

"King, It might be a misunderstanding, The son of Adiratha will definitely never do something to receive capital punishment."

Vaibhav also chimed in, He for a moment felt bad and afraid, After all the King paid the visit just after his daughter officially became the future daughter-in-law. What if they think it was because of her?

It\'s also reasonable, Some people carry a destiny that can bring disaster for others but Vaibhav was sure that the Sages said that the house his daughter will go to will only bring them fortune.

But then why was this happening? His future Son-In-Law directly fell into trouble with capital punishment. That is the conclusion of his as he didn\'t think if it is something else, They two themselves will come here.

"Wait!? What are all of you talking about? Sir Adhiratha, Karna didn\'t do anything wrong, Also Radha Karna is fine, We just come here to talk about the marriage of Karna."

Gandhari finally come out of her initial shock, She looked at how everyone\'s faces become so worried and decided to speak up to solve the misunderstanding, 

Though she wanted to directly say that she chose Karna for her Sushala but seeing that atmosphere did not look like it can handle that news yet, she decided to ease it first before she announced it.

Anyway, There is no hurry. They just had to say it, Gave the gifts and fix their marriage of theirs.

"That\'s the reason? This is why you come all over here, In the city of Anga king?"

Adiratha was not buying it, Though the city and capital Hastinpaur and city Anga were not that far apart, only a half an hour journey in a chariot or 20 minutes on a horse.

Which is not that big, But for the king to travel this long just to talk about the marriage of his charioteer\'s son not sit well with him.

And then he suddenly had a thought, A very unreasonable and unrealistic thought.

He thought the king came here to fix the marriage of the only princess with his son but he knows it is not possible, Princess Sushla is the one and only princess of Hastinapur.

There will be kingdoms are trying their hardest to fix marriage with her, Even some powerful kings showing their interest in marrying her. Yes, kings who most of all are older than Dhritarashtra.

But that\'s how this works, This is how it always works, The people with power can do anything, And those kings were are not only very high-ranking warriors but also had big kingdoms.

That is enough to put them in the qualifying list of kings who can marry princesses and his son did not have anything like that. The kingdom was given to him by others and he is a child without the strength to kill a chicken.

So they definitely did not come here for him.

"Marriage of my Karna? That\'s all it is, Queen? Phew, you scared me there for a second. Do you come here to recommend girls? If so, I thank you in advance."

Radha wiped the sweat from her forehead and spoke to Gandhari while smiling. Radha thought they were here to recommend girls for her son, which people often do.

Especially two close female friends, They often recommend others for their friend\'s child, So Radha thought of this.

Hence why she did not say and reject Gandhari, It would be rude to reject her, Best would hear Gandhari out then give her a reason for rejecting the girl recommended by her.

"Yes, I come here exactly for that, I think the girl who can be good for little Karna, Sushala, My dearest daughter."

Gandhari got a confidence boost when Radha spoke those words and so seeing this as the best opportunity there can be, She directly revealed it.


As her words fell, Whole room became quiet.

(A/N : Like always thank you for reading and have a good day .)

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